Why You Should Never Ignore a Leaky Faucet A leaky faucet is a common annoyance that many people tend to ignore. Some people may think it’s just a small leak and not a big deal, while others simply don’t have the time or funds to repair it. However, ignoring a leaky faucet can lead to […]
Doing DIY Plumbing Projects? Make Sure You Have These Tools
Doing DIY Plumbing Projects? Make Sure You Have These Tools Are you planning on tackling some DIY plumbing projects in your home? While plumbing may seem intimidating, with the right tools, you can take on many plumbing projects on your own. From fixing a leaky faucet to replacing a toilet, having the necessary equipment is […]
Tank Vs Tankless Water Heaters – Which Water Heater Is Best For You?
Tank Vs Tankless Water Heaters – Which Water Heater Is Best For You? Whether you’re looking for a new water heater or want to upgrade an old one, there are many factors to consider. You need to decide what type of water heater is right for your home and is best suited to your […]
Water Softener FAQs
Water Softener FAQs Whether you’ve never heard of a water softener or are just starting to think about installing one in your home, there are plenty of questions you may have. This article will address some of the most frequently asked questions about water softeners and hopefully help you decide if a water softener […]
Why Bidets Aren’t Common In The United States
A bidet is a plumbing fixture that enables users to wash their genitalia, perineum, and inner buttocks with water rather than with toilet paper. Typically, a bidet resembles a bowl or receptacle designed to be sat on and is often plumbed in with a faucet. Bidets have been used extensively in Europe for centuries so […]