When living with or using a communal or public water supply, there is little that you can do to affect the overall quality of the water. It can come in hard, it can come into your home with strange smells and so on. Though the water has been cleaned and is safe to use, it […]
Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repairs
Your water heater works all year round, which puts it under a lot of stress. Over time, stress can cause problems, reducing its effectiveness. It’s advisable to get your heater repaired as soon as you notice some problems, rather than wait for it to break down completely. Below are some of the signs that show […]
Get to Know the Many Types of Toilets
If you’ve ever been to a hardware store, you may recall the vast range of toilets they typically have on display. It might seem like overkill—after all, isn’t a toilet just a toilet? Not exactly. There are many different types of toilets available to homeowners. This is because a toilet, despite its outwardly simple appearance, […]
How to Make Homemade Drain Cleaner
A slow drain can be a real annoyance. Whether it’s your shower drain or your kitchen sink, water that drains slowly can be exasperating. So, what can you do about it? Knowing how to clean your drain will help slightly, but that only solves part of the problem. You could call a plumber, but maybe […]
When to Replace My Water Softener
Water softeners are amazing devices that remove harsh minerals from water, including calcium and magnesium. These devices make the water from your drains better for your skin and clothes. Water softeners even help improve the taste of tap water; however, your water softener needs to work correctly for your household to receive all the benefits. […]